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Blues Scale in "Cold Duck Time"

"Cold Duck Time" was written by Eddie Harris.

"Cold Duck Time" is one of the most easily recognizable jazz tunes, at least in my own experience as a jazz musician. It is very popular among high school groups because of its catchy head and easy-to-follow form. This makes "Cold Duck Time" a favorite for learning to solo or just jamming among peers. But did you ever wonder what makes "Cold Duck Time" fit into the American jazz genre?

"Cold Duck Time" follows a simple melody in 4/4 time. The blues scale fits easily into all of the chords. The use of the blues scale is actually one common element to many jazz classics. The flattened 3rd and 7th scale degrees and the tasteful use of the diminished 5th allows musicians to really add an edge to their sound, and bend into intervals to create tension and resolution.

The blues scale is very prominent in "Cold Duck Time", and because of this, it is a very good piece to compare to bluegrass music, which also very often incorporates the blues scale into melodies and also improvised solos. For an example of how bluegrass roots itself in jazz through the blues scale, read Blues Scale in "Southern Flavor".

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